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passeggiata a cavallo tramonto

Bardigiani del San Bartolo Asd 

Daisy Itineraries

(with departure and return to the same staging point)

  • Naturalistic excursion in the valley -  1/2 hours

  • Excursion with visit tothe San Leo's fortress -  3/5 hours

  • Excursion on the river Marecchia -  5/6 hours

  • Excursion to Montecopiolo -  3/4 hours

  • Excursion to the hermitage of Monte Carpegna -  1 day

  • Excursion to the '' Jungle of the Chestnut trees ''-  1day

  • Journey  ''The balconies of Piero della Francesca'-2days

  • Journey"Alchemy" between fortresses and monasteries -  2 days.

For more information contact us on

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Passeggiate Bardigiani del San Bartolo - San Leo di Rimini

Bardigiani del San Bartolo Amateur Sports Association
Address: via Santa Lucia, 81 San Leo (RN) CF: 91173280404

e_mail:  - tel. 334 9012694

stable code: IT 025 RN 002

Bardigiani del san Bartolo suggests staying at:

Hotel SPA Parco del Lago
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